Residual Contaminants

The equipment on a typical fracking site hosts two rows of tanks which supply chemicals via pipelines into the main mining conduit.

The chemicals, added to water to deposit into the ground, are:
A. Hydrochloric acid / B. BTEX Compounds – Benzene, Toluene, xylene, ethylbenzene / C. Hydrogen Fluoride / D. Naphthalene / E. Lead / F. Sulfuric Acid / G. Crystalline Silica / H. Formaldehyde / I. Methanol / J. Isopropanol / K. Ethanol / L. Propargyl alcohol / M. Glutaraldehyde / N. Ethylene / O. Glutaraldehyde / P. Ethylene glycol / Q. Citric acid / R. Sodium hydroxide / S. Peroxydisulfuric acid, diammonium salt / T. Quartz / U. Distillates, petroleum, hydrotreated light.

“Whilst studying the effects of contaminants being retained in the ground after fracking, I visited a local foundry and began collecting the metals fragments created from overflow during the metalwork casting process. The residue fragments draw a comparison with the trapped deposits of contaminated liquid residue that remain underground, following the fracking process. From my collection of metal fragments, I assembled a series of 3D art pieces.” Catherine Harrington

Beneath the Surface is organized into the following themes:
Mapping the Frack

Fracking Activity

Residual Contaminants

Click on any of the above themes to see the artwork.