Fracking Activity
Minehead Monster 1
Drypoint Etching – A3; The robotic and menacing appearance of the mineheads are further explored in this pair of prints entitled Minehead Monster 1 and Minehead Monster 2.
Fracked Cross Section
Cross Section – Fracking Below the Earth’s Surface Drypoint Etching A3 Accompanying the Minehead Monsters, this third print presents the landscape of the territory below the earth’s surface. This cross section through the land surface displays the depths of the underground with its shattered, fractured rock.
Acid Dip 3: Cross Section Below the Earth’s Surface
Etching – drypoint, softground and hardground – A4; A sample from the print series Acid Dip 3: Cross Section below the Earth’s Surface documents a stage in the degradation of a metal etching plate, which followed its repeated and lengthy dipping into an acid bath. The printed image portrays the subterranean ground and its post-frack, shattered rock formation.
Aerial View: Fracking Equipment
Multimedia on plastic film – A1 An aerial view of the British countryside depicts the fracking equipment sites in the UK landscape, along with the terrain below ground.
Beneath the Surface is organized into the following themes:
Mapping the Frack
Fracking Activity
Residual Contaminants
Click on any of the above themes to see the artwork.