Imagined travel itineraries can be exhilarating and the pleasure of planning a walk is half of the fun. During “lockdown” incurred by the Covid pandemic, Catherine escaped by making virtual journeys away from her home. These imagined travels ranged from wandering around the world via “google earth”, to soaring across imagined landscapes, to staging synchronised events with fellow travellers on other continents.

While experiencing the loneliness of “lockdown”, Catherine imagined travelling to other continents to visit loved ones.

This film still image from Catherine’s film “Coastal Walk along the Seaside” presented a dream-like soaring view that followed along an invented coastline.

Following a local walk through London’s spaces that were empty during “lockdown”, Catherine imagined staging virtual events in dis-used car parks.

“I am a fox” – While restricted in their movement during “lockdown”, Londoners watched foxes and other animals as they freely wandered the empty streets.

Still image from Catherine’s movie Visiting Each Other (during lockdown)
“Sanitary and uncomfortable, Visiting Each Other captures the disturbing levels of discomfort in pandemic-era interaction, provoking in the viewer a tingling sensation that spreads right down the spine.” SB, Small File Film Festival critic